At Connecticut Chiropractic, LLC, we understand the pain doesn’t stop when the world around us does. We are now offering telehealth appointment with George P. Paul, DC and Andrew W. Fitzsimons, DC.
Telehealth sessions are one-on-one visits with Dr. Paul or Dr. Fitzsimons, using video and audio from your computer or phone. During these visits they will assess your current situation and take a history as they would if you were sitting in their office. They will be able to perform much of the examination they would in the office by guiding you through specific movements. Treatment can consist of exercises, stretches and modification/correction of painful activities, even running form assessments. Telehealth has the added benefit of allowing you to show the doctors the exact activity that is bothering you. For example, if you get discomfort preparing food, sitting in your favorite chair or unsure if your pillow is properly supporting your neck, you will be able to show the doctor these activities.
Unsure if your new at home work station is ergonomically correct? Stuck at home and want to start exercising but don’t know where to start? Dr. Paul and Dr. Fitzsimons look forward to getting you going and living a pain-free life again while making sure you stay protected from COVID-19.
Most telehealth sessions are covered by you insurance. Please contact us if you have any questions about healthcare coverage for telehealth.